How Much Does a Loft Conversion Cost in Edinburgh?

If you’re considering a loft conversion in Edinburgh, you’re likely wondering about the cost. The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The cost of a loft conversion can vary depending on several factors, including the type of conversion, the size of the loft, and the necessary permissions.

The average cost of a loft conversion in Edinburgh in 2023 typically ranges from £40,000 to £160,000. Factors influencing the cost include the size of the loft, the type of conversion, materials used, and additional features. It’s advised to get detailed quotes from professionals for accurate estimates tailored to your specific project.

However, by understanding the cost factors and estimates involved, you can make informed decisions about your project. In this section, we will explore the cost considerations for a loft conversion in Edinburgh, including average costs, cost factors, and estimation techniques.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are several factors that can influence the loft conversion cost, including the type of conversion, the size of the loft, and the necessary permissions.
  • Understanding the average cost of an Attic conversion in the City of Edinburgh can help you get a sense of what to expect in terms of expenses.
  • Estimating the cost of a loft conversion in Edinburgh involves considering various factors and using cost calculators to get an accurate estimate.

Factors Affecting Loft Conversion Costs in Edinburgh

Loft conversion cost factors Edinburgh

When it comes to cost factors, there are several key considerations to keep in mind when planning a loft conversion in Edinburgh. Here, we’ll explore some of the most significant factors that can impact the overall cost of your conversion.

Size of the Loft

The size of your loft will play a significant role in determining the price of a loft conversion. The larger the space, the more materials and labour will be required to convert the loft, which can increase the overall expense. However, the size of the loft is not the only determining factor.

Type of Conversion

The type and style of loft conversion options you choose can also have a significant impact on the cost. For example, a dormer loft conversion will cost more than a Velux Roof light conversion due to the additional construction work necessary.

There may also be a few other options such as hip-to-gable conversion or a mansard loft conversion. depending on your property

For a standard loft that is suitable for a loft conversion, the main types of loft conversion are a roof light loft conversion and dormer conversions.

Necessary Permissions

Permission for a loft conversion.

Depending on the type of conversion and the specifics of your property, you may require planning permission for a loft conversion. You will also require a building warrant.

The design phase of a loft extension is of paramount importance as it sets the foundation for the entire project.

It’s during this phase that the vision for the space is conceptualized and translated into detailed plans.

A well-thought-out design considers structural aspects, layout optimization, functionality, aesthetics, and adherence to building regulations.

Clear and comprehensive design plans not only ensure that your loft conversion meets your specific needs and preferences but also help prevent costly changes or delays during the construction phase.

In essence, a thorough design phase forms the blueprint for a successful and efficient loft conversion, ensuring a smooth transition from concept to reality.


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Other Key Considerations

Other factors that can influence the cost of a loft conversion include the cost of materials including the amount of insulation required, the type of staircase needed, and any electrical or plumbing work that may need to be done. Additionally, the location of your property and the availability of contractors in the area can also impact the cost.

Often when it comes to a loft conversion the biggest cost may be to make the structural changes that are required.

When it comes to estimating the cost of your conversion, it’s important to take these factors into account. By working with an experienced loft conversion company, you can get a more accurate idea of the costs involved and make informed decisions about your project.


Loft Conversion in Edinburgh

Loft Conversion Cost edinburgh


Average Cost of a Loft Conversion in Edinburgh

When it comes to planning a loft conversion in Edinburgh, the cost is a significant factor to consider. The average cost of a loft conversion in Edinburgh can vary depending on various factors, such as the size of the loft, the type of conversion, and the necessary permissions. Keeping all factors in mind, here is a general overview of the average cost of loft conversions in Edinburgh:


Type of ConversionAverage Cost
Velux Conversion£40,000 to £80,000
Dormer Conversion£60,000 to £150,000
Mansard Conversion£75,000 to £150,000


These are only rough estimates, and the actual cost for a loft conversion may be higher or lower than these figures. It’s always best to get a detailed estimate and quote for your loft conversion from a reputable loft conversion company in Edinburgh.

Factors that Affect the Cost of a Loft Conversion in Edinburgh

The cost of a loft conversion in Edinburgh depends on multiple factors, including the following:

  • The size of the loft
  • The type of conversion
  • Do you only want to convert part of your loft?
  • The materials used for conversion
  • The extent of structural work necessary (such as reinforcing the floor, walls, or roof)
  • The need for plumbing, electrical, or heating services
  • The cost of architecture and structural engineering services
  • The cost of planning permission and building regulations


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Therefore as every loft conversion is different, the cost of each new loft conversion project can vary significantly. For example, a larger loft space would cost more to convert than a smaller one, while a loft with an en-suite bathroom would cost more than one without.

Estimating the Cost of a Loft Conversion in Edinburgh

When planning a loft conversion in Edinburgh, it is important to have a clear idea of the potential costs involved. While the overall cost can vary depending on various factors, there are several tools and methods you can use to estimate the cost of your project.

Using Loft Conversion Cost Calculators

One useful method for estimating the cost of your loft conversion is to use an online loft conversion cost calculator. These tools take into account various factors such as the type of conversion, the size of the loft, and the materials and labour required. By inputting the relevant details, you can get a rough idea of the potential cost of your project.

However, it is important to note that these calculators can only provide rough estimates, and the actual cost may be higher or lower depending on other considerations such as building regulations and permissions.

prices per m2 can also be misleading as they don’t account for the uniqueness of each project

How much will it cost?

I am asked on a regular basis what the cost of converting a loft would be, and even considering that we have designed dozens of different attic conversion projects across Edinburgh and the surrounding areas we can only give a ballpark cost at the early stages.

These ballpark costings are based on recent similar projects.

I’m also often asked at what stage can I get a price for my loft conversion from a contractor.

The planning stage is too early there is not enough information on the drawings at this point, although the drawings are suitable for planning purposes they lack the technical details that a contractor requires to price the project.

Once the building warrant has been approved there will be enough information at this stage for a contractor to provide an accurate price.

Consider the Price Range

In addition to using cost calculators, it is important to have a general understanding of the price range for loft conversions in Edinburgh. On average, basic loft conversions can cost anywhere from £40,000 to £80,000, while more complex conversions can cost upwards of £80,000 or more.

It’s important to understand the price before getting in too far, we still see some completely unrealistic figures being thrown around, like 20k.

That is simply not realistic!

Factors that can affect the cost include the sort of loft conversion, the size of the loft, the materials used, and any additional features such as plumbing or electrical work. It is important to discuss all of these factors with your chosen loft conversion company to get an accurate quote for your project.

Additional Costs to Consider

When estimating the cost of a loft conversion, it is important to also consider any additional costs that may arise. For example, you may need to factor in the cost of necessary permissions such as planning permission or building regulations. Depending on the complexity of the project, you will also need to consider the cost of hiring an architect and structural engineer.

A structural engineer is required for all of the loft conversions that we do.

It is also important to be aware that unexpected issues may arise during the conversion process that can increase the cost. To account for this, it is a good idea to set aside a contingency fund of around 10% of the total cost of the project.

By using cost calculators, understanding the price range, and considering additional costs, you can get a better idea of how much your loft conversion may cost. This will help you budget accordingly and ensure a successful and stress-free project.

Benefits of a Loft Conversion in Edinburgh

A loft conversion isn’t just a practical way to add extra living space to your home. It can also be a cost-effective and innovative way to increase your property value and make your home more energy-efficient. Here are some of the advantages of a loft conversion:

Loft conversion ideas.

  • Additional living space: A loft or attic conversion can be transformed into a variety of rooms, including a bedroom, office, playroom, or even a gym. It gives you the freedom to create a space that suits your specific needs.
  • Increased property value: If your loft can be converted, adding a loft conversion to your home can significantly increase your property value by up to 30%. It’s a smart investment that can pay off in the long run.
  • Energy efficiency: Loft conversions are an excellent way to improve your home’s energy efficiency. With the right insulation and ventilation, you can reduce your energy bills and make your home more eco-friendly.


loft conversion prices edinburgh


According to a study by Nationwide Building Society, a loft conversion can increase the value of your home by up to 30%. This means that if your home is currently worth £400,000, a loft conversion could add up to £120,000 to its value.

Different Types of Loft Conversions Suitable for Edinburgh

When it comes to choosing the right type of loft conversion for your Edinburgh property, there are a number of factors to consider. The style of your home, your budget, and your design preferences will all contribute to your decision-making process. The following are some of the most popular types of loft conversions suitable for Edinburgh:

Dormer Loft Conversion

A dormer conversion is one of the most common options and involves extending the existing roof vertically to create a new room with a flat roof. This type of conversion often provides additional headroom and natural light, making it a popular choice for those looking to create a new bedroom, office, or playroom. Dormer conversions can either be built at the front or the back of the property.

That being said it can be challenging to get planning approval for a dormer, particularly if you live in a conservation area, and next to impossible if you live in a listed building.

Mansard Loft Conversion

A mansard conversion involves creating an additional roof space that has a steep slope and a flat top. This is often used to create a large living space, such as a master bedroom or living room. It requires significant changes to the existing roofline and will require planning permission, making it one of the more expensive options.

Hip to Gable Conversion

A hip to gable conversion involves extending the existing sloping roof by replacing the side hip section with a vertical wall. This creates additional space and can be used to create a new bedroom or bathroom. This type of conversion is most suitable for bungalows and semi-detached properties, where there is enough room to extend the roof.

This type of requires planning approval.

This works well but can be expensive.

Velux Loft Conversion

A Velux conversion involves only adding windows to the existing roof. This is often the most cost-effective type of conversion and is popular for creating additional natural light in the loft space. It is also the most straightforward type of conversion to undertake and often does not require planning permission. However, it typically does not add as much space as other types of conversions.

A nice touch can be to add a Velux Cabrio Balcony Rooflight, especially if you have a view. Well worth the extra cost.

Tenement Loft conversions


Loft conversion in Edinburgh not requiring planning approval, done under permitted development



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Planning Permission and Building Regulations for Loft Conversions in Edinburgh

If you’re considering a loft conversion in Edinburgh, it’s essential to be aware of the planning permission process and building regulations that apply. Failure to comply with these regulations could result in legal action and delay your project.

Planning Permission for Loft Conversions in Edinburgh

Sometimes planning permission is not required but it’s essential to check before starting your project. Generally, planning permission isn’t necessary if the conversion falls under permitted development rights. However, if the size of the conversion exceeds specified limits, planning permission may be necessary.

If your property falls in a conservation area or is a listed building you’ll need to seek planning permission before undertaking any work. You also need planning permission if you’re making significant changes to the exterior of your property.

To obtain planning permission, you’ll need to submit an application. This process can take up to eight weeks, and you’ll need to pay an application fee.

Building Regulations for Loft Conversions in Edinburgh

Building regulations are concerned with the safety, health, welfare, and accessibility of buildings. Loft conversions are subject to building regulations, regardless of whether planning permission is required.

Building regulations cover several critical areas, including structural stability, fire safety, insulation, ventilation, and electrical safety. They ensure that the conversion meets the required standards for safety and sustainability.

To comply with building regulations you will need to submit detailed plans and receive approval before starting work.

How Planning Permission and Building Regulations Affect the Cost of a Loft Conversion in Edinburgh

Seeking loft conversion planning permission and complying with building regulations can add to the overall cost of your loft conversion in Edinburgh. The application fee for planning permission is currently £300.

Whether planning permission is required or not a building warrant is required for every loft conversion project.

The fee for building warrants is set by the Scottish government and is published online.

The building warrant fee is payable to the local authority and the fee is dictated by the value of the work.

Cheaper work= smaller fee, more expensive=higher fee.

It’s essential to factor in these costs when budgeting for your project. A professional loft conversion company in Edinburgh can provide you with advice and guidance on the planning permission and building regulation process.

Stages of a Loft Conversion Project in Edinburgh

Converting a loft can be a daunting process, but understanding the various stages involved can help alleviate stress and ensure a smooth project. Here are the typical stages of a loft conversion in Edinburgh:

  1. Assessment: The first stage is to assess the loft’s suitability for conversion. We will evaluate the loft’s structure, roof type, and available space to determine the best conversion options.
  2. Design: Once the assessment is complete, the next stage is to create a conversion plan. The design will take into consideration the loft’s layout, necessary permissions, and budget. During this stage, we will work closely with you to create a plan that meets your specific needs and preferences.
  3. Permissions and Approvals: Depending on the type of conversion and your property’s location, you may need planning permission. A building warrant will be required. We will handle all necessary applications and seek approvals on your behalf. Once the building warrant has been approved work can start on site.
  4. Preparation: Before any work can begin, the loft space should be cleared and prepared. This includes removing any existing insulation, creating access points, and ensuring the loft is secure and safe for the conversion process.
  5. Construction: The construction stage involves installing flooring, creating partitions, insulation, and electrics. This is the most time-consuming and disruptive stage, but a professional company will work efficiently while minimizing any disruptions to your home life.
  6. Finishing: Once the construction is complete, the finishing stage begins. This includes adding final touches such as flooring, skirting boards, painting, and decorating. This stage is where the conversion comes to life and transforms into a habitable space.
  7. Final Inspection: The final stage is a thorough inspection of the converted loft to ensure it meets building regulations and safety standards. Upon passing the inspection, you’re ready to move into your new loft.

While the process may seem complicated, working with a professional loft conversion company can make the experience stress-free and enjoyable. By understanding each stage involved, you can stay informed and confident throughout your loft conversion project in Edinburgh.

Choosing the Right Loft Conversion Company in Edinburgh

Choosing the right company for your loft conversion project can be daunting. Here are some tips to make the process easier:

  • Do your research: Look for reviews and feedback from previous clients to get an idea of the company’s reputation.
  • Consider experience: Choose a company that has experience in loft conversions, ideally with projects similar to yours.
  • Check for certifications: Ensure that the company is certified and meets all necessary regulations and requirements for loft conversions.

It’s also important to consider the available options for your loft conversion, such as a bungalow loft conversion or a dormer loft conversion. Keep in mind that the cost of a loft conversion can increase depending on the complexity of the project, so it’s important to choose a company that can provide a detailed estimate and contract.

When selecting a company, be wary of those that offer low prices or appear to cut corners. A low cost may indicate subpar materials or workmanship, which can end up costing you more in the long run. Instead, choose a company that provides a fair price for quality work.

By carefully choosing the right company for your loft conversion project, you can ensure a successful outcome that meets your needs and budget.

Considering the Cost to Convert: Is it Worth It?

Before embarking on a loft conversion project, it’s essential to consider the cost and whether it’s worth investing in your property. With many factors at play, from the type of conversion to planning permission and building regulations, the costs can easily add up.

On average, the cost of a loft conversion in Edinburgh can range from £40,000 to £160,000, depending on the size, type, and complexity of the project. While this may seem like a significant investment, it’s essential to consider the long-term benefits that come with a loft conversion.

For starters, a loft conversion can add significant value to your property, with estimates suggesting an increase of up to 30% in some cases. Additionally, a loft conversion can provide much-needed extra space, whether it’s for a bedroom, home office, or entertainment area. With the Edinburgh property market remaining strong, a loft conversion can be a wise investment that ultimately pays off.

When considering whether a loft conversion is worth the cost, it’s worth comparing the price to other property improvement options. While there are certainly cheaper options available, such as redecorating or upgrading, a loft conversion provides a level of permanent enhancement that other options can’t match.

Ultimately, the decision to invest in a loft conversion comes down to your individual needs and preferences, as well as your budget. By carefully evaluating the costs and benefits, you can make an informed decision that works for you.

If you’re considering a loft conversion it’s important to keep in mind that the cost estimate provided by a company may not include everything that needs to be done. Additional costs that can arise include expenses for decorating, adding furniture, and installing new appliances or fixtures.


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Q: How much does a loft conversion cost in Edinburgh?

A: The cost of a loft conversion in Edinburgh can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the loft, the type of conversion, necessary permissions, and other considerations. It is best to consult with a loft conversion company to get an accurate estimation for your specific project.

Q: What factors affect loft conversion costs in Edinburgh?

A: There are several factors that can influence the cost of a loft conversion in Edinburgh. These include the size of the loft, the type of conversion chosen, whether planning permission is required, the need for structural alterations, and the quality of materials used.

Q: What is the average cost of a loft conversion in Edinburgh?

A: The average cost of a loft conversion in Edinburgh can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. As a rough estimate, you can expect to pay between £20,000 and £40,000. However, it is best to get a tailored quote from a loft conversion company to determine the exact cost for your specific requirements.

Q: How can I estimate the cost of a loft conversion in Edinburgh?

A: Estimating the cost of a loft conversion in Edinburgh can be done by considering the key factors that impact the overall expense, such as the size of the loft, the type of conversion, and any additional requirements. You can also use online cost calculators provided by loft conversion companies to get a rough idea of the price range.

Q: What are the benefits of a loft conversion in Edinburgh?

A: A loft conversion in Edinburgh offers several benefits, including creating additional living space, increasing the value of your property, and enhancing energy efficiency. It can also provide you with the opportunity to customize and personalize your home according to your needs and preferences.

Q: What are the different types of loft conversions suitable for Edinburgh?

A: There are various types of loft conversions that are suitable for properties in Edinburgh, including dormer conversions, mansard conversions, hip to gable conversions, and Velux conversions. The suitability of each type depends on factors such as the property’s architecture and your specific requirements.

Q: What planning permission and building regulations are required for loft conversions in Edinburgh?

A: Planning permission and building regulations may be required for loft conversions in Edinburgh, depending on factors such as the type of conversion and the property’s location. It is important to consult with your local council and a reputable loft conversion company to ensure that all necessary permissions and regulations are met.

Q: What are the stages of a loft conversion project in Edinburgh?

A: A typical loft conversion project in Edinburgh involves several stages, including initial consultation and design, obtaining necessary permissions, structural alterations, installation of windows or skylights, insulation and flooring, and final touches such as decorating and finishing. The exact timeline and stages may vary depending on the complexity of the project.

Q: How do I choose the right loft conversion company in Edinburgh?

A: When selecting a loft conversion company in Edinburgh, it is important to consider factors such as their experience and expertise, customer reviews and testimonials, portfolio of previous projects, and their ability to understand and meet your specific requirements. It is also advisable to obtain multiple quotes and compare them before making a decision.

Q: Is a loft conversion in Edinburgh worth the cost?

A: Assessing the value of a loft conversion in Edinburgh involves considering both the financial investment and the benefits it brings. A loft conversion can significantly increase the usable living space in your home, improve property value, and enhance energy efficiency. It is recommended to evaluate your individual needs, preferences, and budget to determine if a loft conversion is worth it for you.


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