In the context of a building warrant or construction project, compliance notification plans are documents that outline the steps and processes for ensuring compliance with building standards throughout the construction process.

The CCNP document is issued as part of the approved building warrant set. Its worth taking the time to familiarise yourself with this document as its important

These plans typically outline the various stages that building control requires to be notified.

The purpose of a compliance notification plan is to demonstrate to the building control authority that the construction project meets the required standards and that appropriate measures are in place to monitor and maintain compliance throughout the construction phase.

The plan outlines how and when inspections will be carried out and how any necessary notifications will be communicated to the relevant parties.

It's important to note that the specific requirements for compliance notification plans can vary depending on the local authority

This example CCNP for a single-story extension outlines the key stages of the project. You must give the building control an opportunity to inspect the works at each of these stages.

They may visit in person or via a video call or they may accept photos.

The CCNP contains the name and contact details of the building standards officer that will be dealing with the inspections.

It also outlines what documentation is required prior to acceptance of completion.

Typically you will require the following.

  • Electrical certificate
  • Fire detection certificate
  • Boiler commissioning certificate

It is important to follow the Construction Compliance Notification Plan (CCNP) because it outlines the steps and requirements for ensuring that the building work complies with all relevant regulations and standards.

By following the CCNP, you can help ensure that the work is done correctly and safely. This is especially important because failure to comply with the CCNP can result in issues proving that the work was done in accordance with the approved plans. Additionally, following the CCNP can help ensure that the building warrant is successfully closed out and that the completed work is documented appropriately.

Who is responsible for ensuring the CCNP is adhered to?
Ultimately it is the client's responsibility to notify the verifier.

The verifier is the building standards department of the local authority. However, the client may agree with the building contractor that they will liaise with building standards as required.

At John Webster Architecture we offer a construction assistance service whereby we will be responsible for notifying building control.

Project management
The building standards department is primarily responsible for enforcing building standards and ensuring that construction projects comply with the required standards. While they play a crucial role in overseeing and inspecting building work, their role is distinct from that of a project manager.

Here are a few reasons why the building standards department is not typically involved as project managers:

Regulatory compliance focus: The primary focus of the building standards department is to ensure that construction projects adhere to the building regulations and safety standards. Their expertise lies in evaluating compliance and conducting inspections rather than managing the overall project.

Neutral oversight: The building standards department acts as a neutral party that verifies compliance and enforces regulations. They are responsible for reviewing plans, issuing building warrants, conducting inspections, and enforcing corrective actions when necessary. Their role is to ensure that the project meets requirements rather than taking on the broader responsibilities of project management.

Independence and impartiality: The building standards department needs to maintain independence and impartiality to objectively assess compliance with regulations. Taking on the role of a project manager could potentially compromise this neutrality and introduce conflicts of interest.

Specialized expertise: Project management requires a unique skill set that goes beyond regulatory compliance. Project managers are responsible for coordinating various aspects of a construction project, including planning, scheduling, budgeting, resource management, and stakeholder coordination. These responsibilities require specialized knowledge and experience in project management principles.

Clear division of responsibilities: Separating the roles of the building standards department and project managers helps ensure clear lines of responsibility. The building standards department focuses on ensuring compliance with regulations, while project managers oversee the overall coordination, planning, and execution of the project.

Maintaining this division of responsibilities allows for specialized expertise in both regulatory compliance and project management to contribute to a successful construction project.